The Heath Is Green (German:Grün ist die Heide) is a 1951 German drama film directed by Hans Deppe and starring Sonja Ziemann, Rudolf Prack and Maria Holst.[1] It was an adaption of movie with the same name from 1932. The plot centers around a poacher (Lüder Lüdersen), a game warden (Walter Rainer) hunting the poacher, the murder of another game keeper, and two love affairs. The main love affair and the main source of moral conflicts is between the game keeper and the poacher's daughter (Helga Lüdersen).
A third movie with the same name from 1972 was not a remake. The movie from 1972 has a different plot (three friends take their holiday on a remote house in the middle of a heath, but soon grow bored of it and go out looking for excitement).